Tuesday 7 April 2015

Competition and up next

Firstly up next i have been working on my board for Open combat the terrain layout is complete so just painting and building the terrain and board.

I also played a game of 40K with a cheesy super heavy army and I expected to hate the game and actually enjoyed it rather a lot the game balanced out with my poor rolling 

I also dabbled in Guildball I say dabbled because we didn't finish a game and I didn't have a clue what i was doing but I love the style of the game. 

I have all the parts for my Khorne Daemonkin army but am now overwhelmed by the whole thing.

Then out of the blue I have been invited to play malifaux in a league which is awesome I love Malifaux, models game-play and especially setting its great

and lets not forget this - who wouldn't want a giant rabbit ridden by most likely drunk redneck gremlins.

Then there is Firestorm Armada a game i have always been interested in but never took the step 

alongside the firestorm planetfall. 

finally there is a new Kickstarter coming I am very interested in called  Devils Route 666

I hope to have more info on this shortly.

but with regard to the  Competition i have broken over 20,000 views and would like to say thanks.  I would like comments below as to which game to go for Firestorm or Malifaux and i will do a draw from the commenter's and send a starter box either a patrol fleet or a gang box.

I will run this for a few of a weeks until the 25th then I will announce the winner. please feel free to  share the post.

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